Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got lots of lovely prezzies. I was dreading Christmas as it was my first without my Dad. I did miss him and there were a few tears but I was okay and we all had a lovely time. We had Christmas Day at home and Hazel (MIL) came for the day. I am very lucky as my MIL is lovely and very easy to please so all in all a stress free day. On Boxing Day we went over to my Mum's for another Christmas Day as we don't exchange presents until Boxing Day so we can all open them together. So more eating and presents and another lovely day was had by all.
I got lots of lovely presents. Chris and the children got me craft vouchers from our local craft shop, perfume, CD's, bath smellies and chocs. My family didn't know what to get me so I mostly got money which was great as I have had a good online spend at Craft Superstore, Craft Obsessions, Craftwork Cards and Pink Gem Designs. I also popped into our local Factory Shop on Sunday and got several Dovecraft christmas products which were in the sale. I am well and truly spent out now so no more craft goodies for a while.
My first parcel of goodies arrived today from Pink Gem Designs. I placed my order on Saturday and my stamps arrived today (fab service). They are all so cute and I can't wait to have a play. If you haven't already had a look you must pop along as there is a clearance sale.
Hopefully I will be back soon with some challenge cards but If I am not back before I would just like to wish you a Happy New Year.
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