Today my mum and nan are coming over as it is Jamie's school nativity this afternoon. It is also Chloe's this morning but unfortunately she is poorly with a very bad cold so isn't at school. She is very disappointed, especially as her nan's were coming to watch her.
Now on to my blog award which I received from Joanne. Thanks Joanne - It is lovely to receive awards from crafting "friends".

This award's rules are:- You have to give it to 5 others and link to those people as well as who gave it to you, Those 5 shall also pass it on to another 5 people, Plus you have to write down 5 things you are addicted too!
Here are my 5 addictions!
1. My children and OH
2. Papercrafts
3. Buying crafty goodies
4. Walking in the woods/beach
5. Chicken kebabs from our local Kebab Shop - yummy!
I'd like to pass this blog award to:
1. Lynsey
2. Tara
3. Katy
4. Gina
5. Tab
Thank you Lisa you have made my day i also love getting these award from my crafty friends, i am feeling a little better today thank you. luv gina xx
Hi Lisa
Thanks so much for the award it is so kind of you! Sorry to hear Chloe is not well but I hope you have a nice time at Jamie's play with your mum and nan.
Hugs Lynsey :)
Thanks hun for the award, much appreciated! Hope that chloe gets better soon! :o) Tab xxx
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