I had a lovely surprise today as I have received this lovely blog award from Shirley. The conditions of accepting this award is to give away 5 things you probably dont know about me and then to pass it on to 5 lovely people.

Here are the 5 (not very interesting) things you probably don't know about me:
1) I work as a Medical Secretary in a hospital
2) I am an only child
3) My great grandfather was Russian
4) I think I have a slight OCD as I have to check things are turned off at least twice before leaving the house. This really annoys Chris!
5) Most of the clothes in my wardrobe are black
I am passing this award on to the following 5 people.
1) Emma
2) Lynsey
3) Tara
4) Gina
5) Jules
A few weeks ago I received 'The Circle of Friends' award from my lovely Allsorts DT buddy Emma.

The terms of this award are:
1. Make reference to the award and publish it on your blog
2. Share 5 things you like to do
3. Pass it on to 10 blogs
4. Inform each blog
My 5 Likes:
1. Spending time with Chris and the children
2. Going to the beach
3. Crafting
4. Holidays in Menorca
5. Craft shopping
The 10 people I would like to pass this award on to:
1) Debs
2) Kari
3) Gro
4) Amanda
5) Shirley
6) Christine
7) Georgia
8) Sue
9) Joanne
10) Lisa
Oh Lisa you didnt have to go and do that, I like to give my awards to new followers and ones that dont seem to receive them very often, so it was a priviledge to pass that one onto you. But thank you so much for this I appreciate that very much, Bless you, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx
Congrats on your well deserved awards sweetie :) I'm a complete OCD too lol Hugs x
Hi Lisa,
Congrats on your awards, and thanks so much for passing one onto me! I really appreciate it - thank you! :)
Love, Georgia xx
Thanks for this great award Lisa - I loved reading your facts, especially the one about the OCD as I'm the same, lol!
Thanks so much for this award Lisa, it is so kind of you! I will post this later.
Hugs Lynsey:)
Hi Lisa
Thank you so much for thinking of me for this lovely award and congrats to you for receiving another one as well. Back feeling much better now - thank goodness.
Take care
Debs xx
hi Lisa congrtas on your awards & many thanks for thinking of me very much appreciated I'll see to it soon..
hugs Christine xx
ps. as for the OCD I find myself doing quite often too...
Hi ya Lisa! aww how sweet of you to think of me {{{Hugs}}} Thank you hun. I shall add your name on my circle sweetie. Bless you.
It's refreshing to hear that you check everythink twice before going out. As you know I dont go out often but I do this before we go to bed.
Better to always play safe.
Hugs Hun
Hiya sweetie, huge congrats on your awards hun. hugs Rachxx
Thank you so much for the award, Lisa. I'll post it on my blog as soon as I can.
Oh Lisa, thanks you very much, love getting these awards, will pass it on later, Love Sue x
Well done on the blog awards :) Great facts! Kim
Congratulations on your awards!
Thank you for thinking of me,you are so sweet;)
Have nice day:)
Congrats on both your awards Lisa and thank you for thinking of me, it is much appreciated.
Joanne xx
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